Clifton School

Caring Brings Success

Other professionals at clifton

We are fortunate to have a range of Professionals working at Clifton School to enhance all areas of our Pupils.

Speech and Language

The Speech and Language Therapy team at Clifton consists of Katie Miller, Rachel Barber and our Assistant Elaine Halliday.  

Communication involves more than just words – It involves listening, understanding and being able to express yourself. In Clifton School our children use a range of ways to communicate including:

  • Facial Expression and Body language
  • Vocalisations
  • Natural gestures and Makaton signs
  • Switches, Communication Aids and Ipads
  • Photos and Symbols
  • Objects
  • and of course, speech!

To work on developing communication skills, children are seen either for individual work, in small groups, in class groups or for indirect therapy with advice and support given to teaching staff and families. The type and amount of input a child has is reviewed regularly and may change over time.

Some of the interventions that we use are:

  • Attention and Listening Groups
  • Intensive Interaction
  • PECs
  • Visual supports
  • Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)
  • Makaton
  • Language development
  • Speech development

Not every child at Clifton is on the Speech and Language Therapy caseload.  Children are seen only if speech and language therapy will be beneficial to them and they will be discharged from the service once their potential has been reached.

The Speech and Language Therapists are also responsible for any feeding, eating, drinking and swallowing issues for the children at Clifton.

Parent training on a variety of topics is also offered throughout the year.


Useful links

The School Nursing Team

The Nursing Team are based in Scrabo Children's Centre and deployed to Clifton School on a Full Time Basis. The role of the nurse is to oversee complex medical needs as well as the administration of medication.